18 January 2008

A Fresh Start with Old Favorites

The following is offered in the spirit of sending out tentative little feelers: the proverbially cautious toe testing the waters. Last night I thought I would do the proper snowy day thing. So I began to make myself hot chocolate. While I waited for the milk to warm, I propped myself on my elbows and was suddenly up close and personal with the canister of cocoa powder. I looked to see if anyone could see me, and upon finding that no one could, I furtively annointed my finger with the mix, stuck it in my mouth three-year-old style, and sucked off the grains of cocoa. While it was all dissolving, I wondered whether there ever was such a thing as a chocolate Pixy Sticks, in which bittersweet cocoa replaced the more traditional sour salt.

On that note, welcome to bitter,sweet,sour salt. We're three women interested in recipes, ingredient sourcing, local eating, and appealing to all the senses that food can reach. We hope you are staying in close touch with your inner Pixy Sticks eating child while savoring all the sophisticated notes that a thoroughly adult ration of cacao offers.


Unknown said...

Congrats on starting the blog. I confess to loving to lick the cocoa powder too!

Jolynn said...

Don't forget the whimsical misspelling: "Pixy Stix"!